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resolution characteristic中文是什么意思

用"resolution characteristic"造句"resolution characteristic"怎么读"resolution characteristic" in a sentence


  • 分辨能力


  • Test charts for resolution characteristics of x - ray equipment
  • Multi - resolution characteristic of wavelet transformation and its application to electric signal analysis
  • Sthe azimuth resolution characteristics for different deployments of the antennae ’ irradiation mode is discussed clearly through analyzing the doppler history of the echoed signal based on the platforms " motion features and antennae " irradiation rules
  • This method uses wavelet transform to pick up the transient fault information because of its multi - resolution characteristics and time - frequency localization nature . fault line is detected based on the modulus maxima or energy comparison under some scale of wavelet transform of phase currents or component current . this method is applicable for such power system as only furnished with ct on two phases , so the shortcoming of other methods presented in recent years is overcome
  • Wavelet transform becomes a superior timefrequency localization method due to its mathematical property itself it has muiti - resolution characteristics . by flexing and moving a base wavelet , which must satisfy some condition , we can analyze signals in multi - scale finely , so it is called " math microscope "
    它具有多分辨分析的特点,通过某个满足一定要求的基小波的伸缩和平移等运算功能对信号进行多尺度细化分析,因而能聚焦到信号分析的任何细节,被誉为“数学显微镜” 。
  • First , this dissertation analyses the waveform of chirp - subpulse stepped frequency signal , studies and simulates the ambiguity characteristics , the spectrum structure and the basic process to obtain high resolution range profiles , and discuss this signal ’ s high range resolution characteristic and wide spectrum characteristic
用"resolution characteristic"造句  


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